How to build Taxonomy Terms in Breadcrumbs 3 level
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I think, there are three different options:
- if the taxonomy isn’t hierarchical,
- if the taxonomy is hierarchical but only one term of taxonomy could be checked in posts,
- if the taxonomy is hierarchical and all terms from the tree could be checked in posts.
Non-hierarchical taxonomy
Such taxonomies works like post tags. The simpliest way to print the term links is the_terms()
global $post; // this will help if you would use this code inside a custom function $rd_post_id = $post->ID; // current post ID $rd_taxonomy = 'region'; // taxonomy name // the third argument is what you want to add before the navigation, you can leave it empty // the fourth argument is term link separator , | / • the_terms( $rd_post_id, $rd_taxonomy, 'Navigation: ', ' / ' );
Taxonomies with hierarchy
These taxonomies works like categories.
1. When only one term is checked
functions will work great with this, so, look at the previous code example.
2. When the term tree is checked
This is how it looks:
In that case the right term order is very important for us.
echo '<div id="kroshki">You are here:'; $rd_taxonomy = 'region'; // region taxonomy $rd_terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, $rd_taxonomy, array( "fields" => "ids" ) ); // getting the term IDs if( $rd_terms ) { $term_array = trim( implode( ',', (array) $rd_terms ), ' ,' ); $neworderterms = get_terms($rd_taxonomy, 'orderby=none&include=' . $term_array ); foreach( $neworderterms as $orderterm ) { echo '<a href="' . get_term_link( $orderterm ) . '">' . $orderterm->name . '</a> » '; } } the_title(); echo '</div>';